What's up with the ads?

You might already have noticed that during a brief time, we've served AdHitz adverts.

That wasn't to make us money... We were trying to see if it was a worthy solution to monetize your site.

The reason why we gave AdHitz a try was because it's unique in being based on a fixed rate instead of  bidding, like Google AdWords and YAHOO/Bing Network.

Turns out... it's a poor choice.

Customizing the adverts, creating ad zones and placing the codes is a no-brainer, you can do it seconds after registering your site, which is accepted immediately. After placing the ad codes on your site, as you saw before, you have to wait for a buyer to show up and buy whatever ad zones you're serving.

This is a problem because...

...the listings are too long.

It's actually very hard to get noticed when only the most viewed websites are displayed at the top, which of course, is understandable.

What really set me off was the fact that, even though here on WINTEMO, we were serving ad zones, no buyer would buy from us, which isn't their fault since AdHitz doesn't even display our site in the listings! :-(

It may be a glitch, server overhead, not listed for long enough or a similar reason, but this prevents us from monetizing the website.

So, we concluded that if your site doesn't have that many visitors, consider another advertising network, as you'll have a tough time get approved here.

This is our recommendation. We hope it's accurate for you.


We all want to make money online, right? But if you start posting a lot of ads and you don't have any visitors yet, it may drive all your visitors away.

So, you should refrain from serving intrusive ads to your site. In fact, you shouldn't place any ads at all if you've just become a webmaster.

Grow your audience first, then monetize it. Don't try to put the wagon in front of the horses! ;)