Back to school!

Hi everyone!

First, let me begin to say how GREAT it feels to be back!

I've been away for more than a month and I pretty much broke every rule about blogging there is... Sorry for not saying what happened.

The thruth is, a lot has been going on and I've had to make a few offline changes to the way the TRI has to work.

Now, the TRI will be run by a schedule where a specific topic will be discussed at a given day of the week.

For example: Blogging would be handled on Mondays and Website Development on Tuesdays.

This is still being discussed with the Dev Staff but it shouldn't take long to reach a consent.

Naturally, using such schedule means more PowerTools Videos, more posts, more action!

Everything is being setup just for you so be sure to stick around because you will not regret it!

Take care and welcome back!