Are our lives already written?

Every post begins with a pen. So, keep on writing!

Hey guys!

Despite being a hot Friday I'm here drinking some tea! ;)

Yesterday, I had an epiphany:

You see, there are a lot of folks who believe in destiny or fate and that, at some point in their lives, they'll succeed on something, their lifestyle will improve, being everything a matter of time.

The pessimist actually thinks that being a loser or a failure is his/her cross to bear so others may enjoy the above said success.

But is our future really written? And if so, who wrote it?
Let's find out:

I didn't compose this post right in my computer. Since my mind is a bottomless pit of ideas, I like to keep a notebook, along with a pen, nearby.

That's when I realized something...

Some of the pages of the notebook are empty while others have been written on already.

Quite an obvious thing to say right?

Now, taking this into our conversation, if you just bought a new notebook of your own... it would be blank, wouldn't it?

You'd start by writing in one page and continue doing so until you no longer have any more space in that page.

To continue writing, you must turn the used page around so you can resume your work in the next one.

Simple enough, isn't it?

Regardless if it's something good and interesting for others to read or too awful to be accepted in a community, if you want your notebook to be rich with the wonderful ideas you possess (and don't tell me you don't have any, because I won't believe it), the one who has to pick up the pen and begin working, always has been and always will be...

Yes, YOU!

It isn't someone else who writes what you're thinking and it's not their notepad to begin with; it's yours!

  • The notepad is your life.
  • The pages represent the day or an opportunity.
  • The pen is your means to reach a goal.
  • And the goal is... your goal!.

Look, it may seem something nice to believe in, to think that someday things will change for the better but the fact is, with no effort, no input in your end, everything will remain the same as it is now.
Miracles don't just happen, THEY ARE PROVOKED!

The pen is there, just waiting to be held and used. Now is your chance; take it!

Opportunities come, yup. But why wait when you can simply create them?

So, write on! Open a new chapter in your life where you get where you want to go.

  • It's hard.
  • It's a pain.
  • It takes lots of pens (resources)...

But you only have one notebook (life) and it doesn't last long... use it sparingly!

Write your own destiny starting today!